Monday, November 24, 2008

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mamma Mea Culpa

I know, it's been so damn long since I've blogged. I didn't set out to be a major disappointment to myself, or to you, my faithful readers, but it seems life keeps intruding on my time. I have spent some of my time wisely, though, so I may have learned a little bit that will eventually make this blog better.

Since last I typed:
1) I bought a fancy-schmantzy expensive Woodworking CNC gizmo, the CarveWright(tm). Off to a very bad start.

2) I started taking some art-glass classes, with varying degrees of success.

3) My Grandmother and Mother have both taken long vacations.

4) I've embarked on a dental-health plan that will culminate in a beautiful smile (I hope,) and will encourage me to take better care of myself overall.

All of this, and much more. Should prove to be occasionally interesting blog-fodder. Let's see what happens...

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